“The funny thing is that, despite all the newness, there’s something about all of it that feels - well, the only way I can put it is that it’s like coming home. As if there’s some pat of me that already knows - knows this territory - and is saying Oh yes, of course. Almost a kind of remembering.”

-Ann Shulgin

I want to stop worrying so much.

I want to discover my authentic self.

I want to find and follow my internal guidance system.

The Heber Meditation Retreat, run by Jason and Jennie (and their team of specialists), is a private or small group weekend 3 day retreat providing:




Across all four areas of your life: Body, Being (Spirituality), Balance (Relationships), Business (Abundance).

We follow a path of personal growth in all 5 area of unique human endowments:

Self Awareness (Clarity - Who are you?)

Conscience (Wisdom - Trust your own internal guidance system)

Imagination (Abundance - Create the life you want)

Self-Will (Power - Develop the strength to get you there).

Laughter (The joy of the ride).

Peace, Joy, Love and Adventure.

Here we are not living lives of quiet desperation. We are thriving, inspired, powerful and purposeful. We have redemption from all the lumps and bumps, the chaos and confusion of life. We seek redemption not just from our own foibles but from it all. The meanness and monotony of our day to day. We lay our burdens down. We begin to remember who we are.


The next generation of humans are going to need to get way better at healing themselves. Not just their bodies, but their souls. True healing. It seems we all have our pains, our traumas, our broken parts, and if we are to move together, we need to learn advanced ways to heal our souls, our emotions, our minds. I specialize in this kind of healing.


I think the next generation of humans on this planet are going to need to tune into Inspiration. This is the belief that Peak Experiences aren’t just fun, but necessary for growth and advancement. I sometimes call myself a Peak Experience Generator. And I’m a believer. If you have a religious background, then this is like the Holy Spirit. If you don’t have a religious background, then this is like God Consciousness, Mystic Experiences: Prayer, Ecstatic Dance, Psychedelics. It’s all about jailing the Ego and communing with the Divine, however you define that. It’s about understanding, on a fairly regular basis, that we really are all one and we really are all in this together. There IS another side… and you can connect with it and feel profound Love AND Freedom.


We need to find a way to work together. We are all tribal, and yet we are so tribal we have all the rifts we see in the world. Everyone is scrambling up the Hierarchy. Fighting to get ahead. Sacrificing our souls for mythical security. We have politicians, not to get political, who sacrifice the good of the country for their own self interests. Seriously… can’t we all get along and embrace each other’s differences? Well… YES. It can be done, there is technology for communities that truly thrive without constant betrayal, abandonment and shame. My tribe specializes in this kind of deep work.


The fourth pillar of our future as humans and my work is Abundance. Energy Alignment. Manifestation. Creation. Getting what you want. Let’s say that again: Getting what you want. Abundance. Joy. Happiness. Money. Freedom. Fullness. Can we do it? Can we really live full lives with the essence of all our dreams coming true?

So you can see that I like frames that help me identify what’s going on around me. I don’t pretend this is the only way to look at the world, but this does resonate with me. Inspiration. Yeah, I definitely resonate with that. Healing. True healing: I’ve desperately wanted that my whole life. Community: I’ve tried to do it alone, but eventually got what I wanted and needed, true tribe. And Abundance. Getting what I want.

Okay… so how do we do these things? Well after 30 years of practice I have a ton of tools and material and practices that we use to uplevel. But, here are a few basics that we’ve been using for years and years, and you’ll see them in all the work I do:

Breath: I put a lot of conscious focus on how I breath, and how breath influences my body, mind, emotions and spirit. Work with me, and we’ll do a lot of different breathing practices.

Embodiment: Well, we ARE incarnating as humans on this planet, we do have a body, so I do a ton of practices and work strengthening the body. If we work together, we will MOVE.

Awareness: I do a lot of practices to help you become more and more aware. This is a cornerstone to the work above. Aware of what’s going on around you and inside you. Why do you do the things you do? Simple question with a lifetime of answers. Without distinct powerful awareness practices, you won’t travel far down the Human Development Continuum.

Psychedelics: I have had experience in far off countries with allies and medicines that have provoked powerful healing, inspiration, community and abundance. Exploration of your own consciousness, through plant allies or ecstatic dance or holotropic breath is something I encourage if you find the right facilitator and it feels right for you.

Music: Vitality: I teach, I preach, I live and love VITALITY. Music. Movement. Fun. Play. Adventure.

Sexuality: I started as couple’s therapist and then an intimacy coach. Understanding polarity in the world helps with all of the above: Inspiration, Healing, Community, and Abundance. But it’s also integral to that most precious of all relationships: Your life partner. Not only that, but a spiritual approach to sexuality is Inspiring, Healing, Connecting, and leads to Abundance.

There you go, some ideas and thoughts and poetic expressions of what I do and how I do it. Hope whoever reading this finds Love, Joy, and Peace in their world. That is my hope for you.